Sunday, October 17, 2010

No spend month

I know I should probably wait until the start of next month or something to make it all nice and even, but I can't wait, I need to do it right now! Mainly because
a) I'm in a little bit of debt. Not a lot, I know it would be peanuts to some people but as I don't have credit cards or anything like that ANY debt makes me feel sick
b) I spend way too much. I have way too much. I don't NEED anything but I love shopping, especially op shopping!
c) My children need to learn that we don't need to buy buy buy
d) I have a few plans for next year that require big bucks so I'd better start saving now!

Here's my rules -

I'm allowed to buy food. Phew! Thank goodness for that! But not take away, and I have to spend $150 or less per week

I'm allowed to buy petrol. I'd love to go public transport but I can't, where we are it's very limited and does't go anywhere I need/want to go, such as school!

I'm allowed to pay bills. Although I don't really want to.

I'm allowed to do Christmas shopping. Which kind of seems like a cop out but I'm getting the girls new bikes for Christmas and if I want to be able to afford them easily I really need to lay by them now! And if I see anything that would be perfect I'll buy it and put it away, they wont be getting much other than their bikes but if I see anything unique for their stockings I'll get it.

I'm allowed to buy supplies for the market. This rule has a bug BUT. BUT I can only buy supplies once I've done all the sewing I can with the materials I already have. Market season is almost here and I have lots of new project I want to whip up for our stalls but I know if I go buy what I need for my new ideas I won't get around to finishing my old ideas!

Wish me luck!

Day one: spent nothing. Kind of hard to because I'm at home with no car and a sick Crystal home from school.

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