Sunday, April 18, 2010

Another photoy post

My head is the clouds at the moment, and I'm finding it hard to put a coherent thought down in writing! Lots has been going on in the treehugging household, I picked Indigo up from school last week and she came bounding to the gate saying "I emptied my locker, I said my goodbyes, today was my last day!" So I can add homeschooling Mama to my repertoire! It's been a long time coming and I'm glad we've reached a conclusion, school dramas do my head in, and Indigo is going to be a great homeschooler, she's driven to learn which gets a bit squashed at school, even though their school is awesome (I should know, I went there growing up!) she's just not suited to the school environment. So a little sad, but mostly excited about this new phase of our journey. As well as that my niece is coming to stay! We haven't seen her for 3 1/2 years and she's just turned 11, so we're pretty excited! It's just a quick visit, a night or two, but we've been waiting for her to come down here for so long, I can't wait to give her a huge hug! And she and Indigo have already planned what they're going to do on their sleepover.

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