I hope I'm doing this right, I'm still not tech savvy, but I'm going to start participating in unschool Monday, an idea from Owlet's wonderful blog.
The most wonderful lesson unschooling has taught Indigo so far is that she can be ok, so much of her school time was spent not being enough, not fast enough, pretty enough, popular enough, smart enough (even though she's crazy smart, pretty, fast etc) Un schooling has given her this sense of freedom and independence that I was hoping for, but it's gone way beyond that! I've lost the moody, whiny, jealous little girl I had and in her place is a confident, self possessed, free thinking young lady who is a pleasure to spend my days with, and who feels confident enough to go play with her friends, join clubs, walk to the shops, talk to people on the phone, a whole range of things. I'm SO happy with our decision, my one regret is that I didn't unschool from the start, as I wanted to, but I can't go there, I did the best I could at the time and now that I know better I'm passing that on to her.