I don't make New Years resolutions. Well, I sometimes do, but with the full knowledge that I intend to break them, usually by January 2. So this year I've made a few decisions about where I want my life to go, actually linked up with ideas about how I can follow through! Who would have thought?
1 - Spend more time parenting.
Last year was crazy busy, study Monday, Bible study Tuesday, sister in law's Wednesday, home Thursday, playgroup Friday. Work every second weekend, except for the frequent sales which meant working also on my weekends off. That's too many commitments! Especially when that was just my commitments, take into account running Indigo and Crystal to dance, soccer, art, cubs, where oh yes, I'm a cub leader too, no wonder I'm tired and have a messy house and dying garden! So this year it's all changing, I'll do Bible study and still catch up with my sister in law weekly, but we can alternate houses, since we're 45 minutes apart that'll be 1 1/2 hours of drive time I can claim back. Playgroup and study will be no more. Rainbow wasn't getting a lot out of playgroup and I have hugely different ideals and personality to the other members, plus it was a 30 minute drive, so less time in the car again. Rainbow will still get plenty of time with other toddlers, my niece is 6 months older than her plus there's always a parade of various kids coming in and out. Also I've agreed to watch a 14 month old girl for an hour or two, once or twice a week. The parent has similar attachment parenting ideals and it's just a better fit all round. Plus it's only 5 minutes from the girls school!
2 - Eat better
I'm sure most people have made this their resolution many times, I sure have! But I'm really committed to making more food from scratch, spending less and reducing food waste. I get really lazy over summer because I'm at work all the time, I don't buy all processed foods, but we've had an awful lot of steak with bean salad in the past few months! Not that I'm saying anything's wrong with bean salad, but no more meat!
3 - Have a cleaner house
This one shouldn't be too hard actually, I think it will come naturally with having more time at home
4 - Do the garden
Another one that will come with having more time at home, plus I've asked my friend Sue to come help me - her garden is amazing! You can find her sustainable living blog here: http://asustainablejourney.blogspot.com/
5 - Live more
Less time working and doing things that I don't really enjoy, more time camping, catching up with friends and being creative
6 - Work
I don't want my job anymore! I want to work, but I want it to be MY work, creating beautiful things and selling them at markets and online. I'm hoping to have the energy and motivation to go nuts this year!